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7 ways meditation changes the brain

"Some studies show that meditation affects the brain in various ways, from changing the brain’s volume to decreasing activity in those parts of the brain responsible for stress."

Meditation is interestingly being talked about now as much as it was practised in ancient times. As modern 21st century beings, we are rediscovering the plethora of benefits that meditation offers. If stress and anxiety are urban life by-products, we are also finding huge life transforming ways and techniques like mindfulness, yoga and meditation as well. Meditation is indeed one of the best ways to rediscover calm and bring back focus.

Technology has made us more connected than ever – our busy fingertips and constant ogling at screens have taken us away from our natural demeanour of calm though.  Constant juggling and multi-tasking to accomplish goals and complete daily chores have additionally put our mental peace in jeopardy. Stress, anxiety and depression are modern day giants threatening the human population.  According to WHO, depression, one of the most debilitating mental diseases worldwide, has an estimated 3.8% of the population affected with approximately 280 million people suffering from it.

As we continue to discover the myriad ways in which mediation helps us, recent research has shown that meditation can even change the structures in our brain. We already know how a distracted and agitated mind can be calmed through meditation, of how it can help regulate different emotions and how it can help respond to triggers. But there are many more advantages to meditation now, as researches suggest.

But for beginners, what is meditation and how can it be done? If you are contemplating practising it, you must first recognize it as a powerful tool or technique designed to train your mind to focus and redirect thoughts to stay in a positive or creative zone. With multiple goals, sundry pressures and seemingly insurmountable obstacles, modern humans truly need to train their minds to stay calm and focused.

For each person, meditation can hold a different meaning. You might be meditating to overcome stress and anxiety, while somebody else may be using it to improve their focus and memory. Indeed, meditative practices are now being touted to have the potential to change the human brain structure. Some studies show that it affects the brain in various ways, from changing the brain’s volume to decreasing activity in the parts of the brain responsible for stress. Soulveda brings you a few ways in which this works and helps us.